Student exchange in Australia


Types of schools

  • Public schools

With LGA to Australia

Australia, a fascinating country and continent between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, is home to a multitude of natural wonders and cultural treasures. While the largest cities – Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and Adelaide – lie along the coasts, the capital city, Canberra, is located inland. These diverse geographic locations shape the unique character of Australia.

Der grösste Teil des australischen Kontinents besteht aus Wüste oder Steppe, dem sogenannten Outback, wo man das berühmte Wahrzeichen Australiens, den Berg Uluru, findet, der auf Englisch als „Ayers Rock“ bekannt ist. Diese majestätische Felsformation ist nicht nur ein Symbol Australiens, sondern auch ein heiliger Ort für die Aborigines, die Ureinwohner des Landes. Entlang der Küsten und im Norden des Landes gibt es einige der ältesten Regenwälder der Welt. Australien ist die Heimat einer einzigartigen Tierwelt, die sich aufgrund seiner geografischen Isolation über Millionen von Jahren ungestört entwickeln konnte. Bekannte Beispiele sind das Känguru, der Koala und das Schnabeltier, aber auch unsere Wellensittiche stammen aus Australien.

Australians are known for their openness and hospitality, and they greatly value their leisure time. In the evenings, many families gather for an outdoor barbecue, where they prepare delicious meals and enjoy the company of their loved ones. Family and garden parties often feature grilling, creating a relaxed and sociable atmosphere that is typical of the Australian way of life.

Our partner in Australia

In Australia, we offer two different programs – Australia Classic and Australia Select. If you choose Australia Classic, we work with our partner WEP Australia. If you opt for Australia Select, we work directly with the two Departments of Education (Queensland and Tasmania). You will always have a local contact person who supports you and your host family and maintains close contact with LGA. In the Australia Select program, it is sometimes possible for us to accommodate your school preferences.


Australian schools have a very high standard of education. They are also famous for their sports such as rugby, cricket, hockey, horse riding, rowing, sailing, diving and surfing. The school year starts at the end of January / beginning of February and lasts until December. It is also possible to start in April and July. You pay school fees to attend an Australian school, which vary from state to state. The school decides on the final acceptance. As in Germany, students are assigned to classes according to their age. It is customary to wear a uniform at Australian schools.

Host families

Each state regulates the requirements for host families slightly differently. However, they all follow a high standard. Australian families are very welcoming and are happy to take in international students - sometimes even several of different nationalities at the same time. You are a member of the family and have the same rights and obligations as the rest of the family. Be open, helpful and follow the house rules. You will certainly immerse yourself in Australian culture very quickly and enjoy life in Australia!